
Archive for the ‘Teresa Explains How the Gorgas Joined the Show’ Category

Teresa Giudice Explains the Gorgas’ Bravo Audition Tape and How They Joined the Show (Plus Radio Interview)

June 9, 2012 13 comments

audition 9

Possibly the most hypocritical words ever spoken on Reality TV were spoken by Melissa Gorga during season 4 episode 7 when she talked about the August 1, 2011, issue of In Touch magazine, which featured Teresa Giudice on the cover (I’m Terrified of Being Poor): “I get it—you need to make money, [so] make your money—but at the same time, you need to be loyal to your family. Maybe she can go see a therapist about that. I’m sorry, that’s how I feel.”

Three episodes later, Teresa’s brother Joe showed the same hypocrisy when he said: “I think it’s extremely hard for Teresa to be a good friend, a loyal friend. She can’t even be loyal to her family. How can she be loyal to a friend. That’s why I’m going to therapy: to make her understand what she does wrong.”

How many of you would be ok with your family member opening a competing business in the middle of the night without your knowledge, all the while trying to steal your customers, then waging a campaign to discredit your livelihood. That’s not jealousy…it’s called betrayal!!!

– Dubbalicious, March 25, 2012, Reality Tea

97.9 WRMF Radio Interview With Teresa Giudice of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey

97.9 WRMF
June 7, 2012

Teresa Giudice took the time to speak to us about her family feud with Joe and Melissa Gorga and where they stand today, what really happened surrounding all the rumors about drama on the set of The View, The Real Housewives Of New Jersey, if she’ll have her own television show, her new cook book “Fabulicious! Fast & Fit” and more!

Editor’s Note: In the radio interview, Teresa does an excellent job answering questions, much better than her appearance on ‘The View’ and in her other TV interviews. She also wrote a blog on her website (below) explaining much more, including how Joe and Melissa Gorga joined the show.

The Truth Always Comes Out

By Teresa Giudice
June 9, 2012

I flew to Miami yesterday for my book signing so I didn’t get to watch “The View” (we filmed it on Tuesday). And since I left right after my segment because I had a book signing on Staten Island that evening, I didn’t know what Melissa and Kathy said during their segment. Now in my hotel, I just watched the whole thing online, and… wow… so many things going through my mind…

It’s hard to get your thoughts straight when you’re being interviewed for TV — especially when you’re trying to talk to 5 women at once like on The View and there are no “retakes.” If you’ve ever done a live or even taped television segment, you know how much is going on and how overwhelming it can be, but I think I’m getting better! But I’m always much better at writing what I think because you’re not on the spot, you can take your time, and there’s the wonderful delete button! So here goes…

You all know I’m not big on bashing my co-stars, family, or really anyone on Twitter or Facebook and I try my hardest not to in my blogs either. I just don’t live my life that way. I never have. I didn’t run around town with Danielle’s book. I don’t meet with people’s ex-husbands to dig up dirt on them. I don’t hire private investigators to look up people’s true identity on Twitter… I’m way too busy living my life, raising my beautiful daughters, working, and raising money for Neph Cure.

I only heard today that Melissa called me a liar or a fibber or whatever, when the press started calling me for my response. I’m not going to play he-said-she-said in the papers, but I do have to set the record straight so I wanted to just tell you all directly. I’ve been telling the same story–the truth–since it happened. Suddenly Melissa has a new answer for it, fresh from her new PR people: it’s a lie and it’s my “crutch.” Are you kidding me?

Here’s the absolute truth: I had no idea Melissa or Kathy were joining RHONJ until the day a Bravo producer called me and told me. And I was shocked almost out of my mind because I literally had no idea… not even the tiniest hint. The two of them can split hairs all they want and dance around the exact when/how/why, but the fact is you don’t get cast on the show overnight. It takes interviews, phone calls, meetings, contract negotiations, etc. However much they did for however long I don’t know because it was all behind my back.

After Dina and Danielle left in Season 2, there were two open spots on the show. None of us knew who they would pick. The producers interviewed tons of people in NJ. Every time one of my friends or even acquaintances got a call from producers for an interview, they called me immediately to tell me. That only makes sense, right? I was happy for anyone else to get the opportunity to be on the show and hoped a bunch of my friends would get picked. For whatever reason, they weren’t. Why would anyone who knew me interview for a show I had been on for two years and keep it a secret from me???

I got my contract from Bravo for Season 3 and just a few weeks before we were scheduled to start filming, I got a call from one of the producers saying: “By the way, the new Housewives are your sister-in-law and cousin Kathy.” Total shock. Never in a million years was that even a possibility to me because I’d never heard anything about it from them. In fact, when I was filming, Kathy would put the show down and say she could “never” be on TV like that. I would have to defend myself and say, “Well, I chose it and I’m having fun with it.”

I called Melissa and Kathy to ask if it was true. They did not call me. They confirmed that yes they’d “interviewed” but said “nothing was set in stone yet.” They said they were still thinking about the offer and going to make family decisions about it. Um, what? *Family* decisions?!?